Shop: 6 a.m. Wednesday- 11:55 p.m. Sunday 🥕 Pick up: 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday
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Nite Owl Bread

Nite Owl Bread was born in the middle of the night in the winter of 2018 as an art project with a mission: craft beautiful, soft and easy to slice flavored breads. Sell 'em. That's it. As a baker working in a home kitchen the size of a closet, the  going was slow and tedious. I studied under a successful master baker and applied everything learned to my tiny processes until the machine began inching forward. I moved to a larger apartment, secured a Home Processor license and hit the farmers markets and Instagram. With no capacity to meet growing demand from home, I opened a brick and mortar licensed bakery in the summer of 2022. 
Nite Owl Bread is a 100% plant-based product. 
Toast it!

Nite Owl Bread

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