Local pork
The pork equivalent of ground beef, our ground pork in 1 lb. packages is perfect for making your own sausages,...
The classic combination of beef, veal and pork. The beef lends big flavor while the veal adds tenderness and the...
Similar to our classic 3 meat mix except this one is 50% beef and 25% each of veal and pork. You will get the...
These are the large brat size links and now available in the following flavors: Hot Italian Sweet Italian Fresh...
A very traditional German recipe for veal sausage. It is very lean yet juicy due to the pork added to the veal meat...
Your choice - 1 pound bulk or four large links. This is a fresh Mexican style chorizo perfect in scrambled eggs or...
Fully smoked kielbasa. It can be thawed and put right on your charcuterie board or warm it up and enjoy.
When you want to make your patties or add to sauces or meatloaf or anytime you don't need casings. We offer the...
This is a traditionally cured bone in leg of pork that is smoked over Hickory wood chips. They are sold in small and...
Bacon is cut from the fatty sides of a hog's belly. It is sliced and smoked over Hickory wood, cured with salt,...
These patties are a perfect fit on an English muffin or a biscuit to make your own breakfast sandwich. There are 6...
These are small links filled with our delicious breakfast sausage.
This is the pork equivalent of a beef filet mignon. It is one of the most tender cuts of pork, but it has a mild...
Pork steaks come from the shoulder and can be grilled, pan fried or even baked. They are tender and juicy and will...
Leg of pork that has been traditionally cured, smoked over Hickory wood and then cut into thick (between 1/2 -...
Sliced thin to make preparation of schnitzel and other types of recipes that use thin lean slices of pork easy and...
The bone in and boneless chops are cut 1.5" thick and come in a pack of 2. The smoked chops are cut 1"...
Thick cut bone-in pork chops rubbed with our version of a classic southern style pork rub.
Pork kabobs perfect skewered and on the grill. These are already seasoned for you with our classic southern style...
Spare ribs are SO GOOD when slow cooked on the barbeque or roasted in the oven.
Delightfully delicious and simple to prepare! These ribs require no fuss…just slow cook covered with your favorite...
This is the same muscle where pork chops come from, but a nice alternative to chops is to have it as a roast, cooked...
Here is our very popular jerked pork. Every product offered is already seasoned so all you have to do is thaw and...
A pork shoulder is the entire front leg and shoulder of a hog. Smoked shoulder is great for pulled pork.
This common roast is the top portion of a pork shoulder - the meatiest part of the pork shoulder. It is often smoked...
The pork picnic is a roast cut from the lower part of the pork shoulder - below the Boston Butt. It's often cured...
A whole fresh ham is a bone-in hind leg including the shank of a hog, typically covered with skin and fat about...
These are two shank crosscuts about 1.25 pound each. They are available with skin on or skinless. If you have a...
Smoked ham hocks are great in the crock pot with sauerkraut or a pot of beans or soup! They are the lower segment of...
This is cut that is used to make bacon, but it's left unsliced and uncured. It's available in approximately...
Jowl bacon prepared from pork jowl or cheeks. The jowl is cured, smoked and then sliced. Prepare as you would...
Roast slowly to make your own healthy lard. We freeze ours in small containers for pie and pasty crusts. About 2...