Local Rose Veal
A very traditional German recipe for veal sausage. It is very lean yet juicy due to the pork added to the veal meat...
The classic combination of beef, veal and pork. The beef lends big flavor while the veal adds tenderness and the...
Similar to our classic 3 meat mix except this one is 50% beef and 25% each of veal and pork. You will get the...
Sliced very thin which eliminates the need for pounding. They are lean and very delicious even with just minimal...
Veal loin chops are the baby beef version of T-bone and Porterhouse steaks. Each chops is cut 1" thick, tender,...
Lean, tender and delicate flavor. Ground rose` veal makes delicious meatballs that is tender with a light delicate...
This cut comes from the back leg. It is very lean with lots of flavor. A boneless cut that is rolled and tied...