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Sunflower Shoots

Hardscrabble Hill Farm

1 package | Approx 2 cups = $4.50 + $0.00 Assembly

Sunflower Shoots: A Tasty snack on their own and easier to eat than sunflower seeds themselves. Wonderfully satisfying in everything from a salad to a grilled cheese. Good base for a hearty salad. Very long lasting after harvest.

Note: 1 container is equal to 2 cups moderately packed sunflower shoots that will fluff up a bit as you pull out for use.

Why Microgreens? BIG flavor and BIG nutrients. A little amount of micros goes a long way in adding flavor and complexity to your dishes. Additionally, nutritional research continues to highlight microgreens as a highly efficient source of antioxidants and other valuable nutrients, even more so than their full grown counterparts.

Sprouts vs Microgreens- Microgreens are slightly older and more developed than sprouts. Both are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

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