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Steadfast Farm

1 Nerve Soothe = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Sleep Support = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Digestive = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Liver Tonic = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Reishi = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Chamomile = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Ashwaganda = $20.00 + $0.00 Assembly

Alcohol extracts from *medicinal herbs. Use in dropper doses in water or under the tongue. I offer a few uses for these herbs but please do your own research in determining what is best for you!

Herb Blends:

Nerve Soothe: Skullcap, Motherwort, Tulsi, Lemon Balm, Milky Oats
This blend is supportive reducing anxiety, stress, and a racing mind.

Sleep Ease: Valerian Root, Passionflower Leaf, Lemon Balm, Skullcap
Supportive for occasional insomnia

Digestive Support: Anise Hyssop, Peppermint, Mugwort, LemonBalm
Warming herbs that can be supportive for occasional gas and cramping (not indicated for acid reflux)

Liver tonic: Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock Root
Cleansing to the blood and liver

Single-Herb extracts:

Chamomile: Calming, warming, gentle

Ashwaganda: Adaptogen, Reproductive support, Increases thyroid function

Reishi: Immune/longevity tonic

*These claims have not been verified by the food and drug administration. Do your own research and consult your doctor about using herbal extracts.

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