Kriemhild Dairy Farms (pronounced CREAM-hild), is a small, farmer-owned, agribusiness specializing in high quality full-fat, and cultured dairy foods with milk sourced from grass-based herds in CNY.
More Information about Kriemhild Dairy Farms
Kriemhild Chocolate milk is now made with Real Buttermilk taken from our butter making process. This is now a low-fat...
Rich in butterfat, our Crème Fraîche is fermented for several hours, giving it the perfect balance of tang with hints...
Meadow Butter is made from the milk of our Grass Fed cows It comes in 8oz and 1lb rolls or tubs, 2lb tubs, 5lb tubs,...
Ingredients: Organic whole milk, kefir grains microflora, kefir yeasts, live and active cultures (lactococcus lactis...
Our Meadow Butter is made in small batches only during the growing season when the cows are grazing on quality, fresh...
Our authentic Cultured Buttermilk is real grass-fed buttermilk, straight from the churn. It has been pasteurized and...